When we moved in our house almost five years ago (yes, five years--amazing!) we inherited the porcelin, stain-loving sink that came with it. Now--I love how deep and wide it is, but it sure LOVES tomato sauce, blueberries, and any other substance that stains.
I wonderful friend told me about Bar Keepers Friend. I LOVE this stuff! It's a powder cleanser like Comet, and it will clean any stain from porcelin, copper, brass, stainless steel, etc.
What it's great for:
- my porcelin sink--just sprinkle in sink--and use brush or scouring pad--and without much effort--it's crisp and white :)
- the stainless bathtub (or sink) faucets. Those get sooo crummy and scummy from the shower (sorry, no before and after pics of my shower or sink). Once again, sprinkle and scrub--and they are sooo shiny! I love it
- Brass. This week we were cleaning our 750 sq. ft porch (needless to say--it's not done yet). Brett wanted to polish the door handles. He made a paste, applied it to the brass, let it "soak" and scrubbed it. You can see how beautiful they came out!
- Stainless Steel Cookware. I finally purchased a small set of stainless steel pots/pans. Now besides the challenge of cooking on them (that's an entire post/internet search on it's own)--they stain. Sometimes they stain really badly. But a little BKF sprinkled--scrubbed with a brush--and they are shiny again in a snap!
Brass door handles before cleaning
Bar Keeper's Friend applied
After :) Brett-- you and your "friend" did a wonderful job! They look great :)
You can find Bar Keepers Friend at Bed Bath and Beyond (where I first purchased it), and now at Wal-Mart.
Let me know if you have used it! I'd love to hear your testimony :)
You are just full of handy little info... :) I guess that is why I am always calling...you are almost better the internet.
Ha Ha! Where do you think I get all of my info? The internet is my other "friend" :)
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